Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small data file that is used as a unique identifier of your visit. It consists of numbers and letters; it is sent from our servers and stored on your device (computer, mobile phone, etc.) when you access our website.

Cookies record your preferences when you navigate our web pages and perform certain functions - they check if you are logged in, save the ordered items, etc.

What cookies do we use?

Session cookies keep details about the user's experience temporarily. They are deleted as soon as you close the page. Such cookies can be used to enhance security when a user accesses the Internet banking, for example. They also facilitate the use of webmail.

Persistent cookies are stored on your computer in between browser sessions. Thus, your preferences or actions are remembered across the site.

How we use cookies

Blocking and deleting cookies

You can block or disable cookies any time, but due to their vital role of enhancing/enabling usability on our website we cannot guarantee that our service will be able to function properly after cookies are disabled.

Please note that we use Google Analytics to help us analyze how visitors access this site. The information which is generated in a cookie about how you use this website is then sent to Google. The purpose is to evaluate the visitors' use of the site and create statistical reports about the activity on the website.

To learn more about cookies, including how to control and delete them, visit

To stop being tracked by Google Analytics on all websites, view

We do not in any case obtain information that is personally identifiable with cookies.

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